Every year, whenever the end of year end school holiday approaches, shoppers tend to start seeking for back to school supplies. One of the very important supplies to go back to school is no other than stationery. Hence, end of December or the begining of January is a essential period of time for us. As a stationery supplier, we sincerly hope that our retailer customers can maximise sales through effective marketing and merchandising. Here are some tips for our beloved retail customers:
Make a eye catchy window display
In retail stationery industry, it may be a very competitive during this period of time. Hence, your shop windows becomes very important in term of displaying your products. If you do it the right way, it can be a very effective way to draw your customers attention. You can start by creating a visual display of the type of products that your store sells. Fully utilise your window space advertisements by decorating it with your highlighted product range.
Create a effective signage in your store
You can create some eye-catchy signage in your store such as "back to school promotion". It is useful because it will have impact on your customers, however bare in mind that it has to look professional and not too overpowering. Use the signage to guide and point to the department of your choice.
Create a few series of back to school product range
Once you got your market attention, now it is important to sell them what they need. Study and seek for their needs, prepare a range of products and put it together in the same place so that it is easier for you customers to browse. You can categorise your products into low price range, or highend branded stationery range.
How will your products look like in a complete school bag?
One of the important element of merchandising is how you display your items. You need to display your products in a certain way so that your customers can imagine how the product might fit in their school bag, especially for kids! Your customers can't visualise how your products might look like if it is packed in a box. So make a display of a open school bag and display your products in a school bag with the products you wish to highlight.
If your shop is cleverly merchandised, from window displays to in store displays, your customers will surely notice your store! Don't forget to get all the supplies you need for your customers at our online store! Heong Giap Paper & Stationery Sdn. Bhd. is a wholesale supplier of stationery to small retails businesses across Malaysia. Do check out our online store for various of products and back to school supplies with a very attractive discounted price!
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