When you need to have multiple messages for your audience and want to achieve widest coverage – think Skyblue, think SkyDyna. It is a known fact that your customers and potential viewers are on the move constantly. Then why should not your advertising too? SkyDyna provides the perfect solution for both the needs of having multiple messages and also catering to mobile populations.
SkyDyna is an amazing Outdoor Mobile Advertising solution which uses LED Digital Trucks to be strategically parked at prime locations and having the ability to move from one location to another. Your target group moves? So will SkyDyna.
The Ultra High frequency technology not only enables you to have different kinds of messages for different locations/timings, but also to have different copies at different locations simultaneously!
Double benefits – Since the LED screens can project both AV content as well as Print media content, your advertising can be in multiple forms – Video, Images or even flash presentations!
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