Saffron is a spice derived from a rare plant called Crocus Flower. The plant can grow up to 30 cm, have a total of four flowers, each with three stigmas. These stigmas, along with the styles, are collected in order to be dried and prepared as what we know as Saffron spice. The extremely pleasant aroma of Saffron is linked to more than 150 chemical compounds present in the plant.
Compared to its weight, Saffron is the most expensive spice in the world. Many of these compounds are from the carotenoid family including lycopene, zeaxanthin, and alpha and beta carotenes. Also, the yellow colour of the saffron is yielded by a component called alpha crocin. Throughout the harvesting and drying processes of the saffron, a molecule is formed which is called safranal and is the main origin of saffron strong aromatic flavour.
As is mentioned before, with harvesting more than 300 tons annually, Iran accounts for almost 95% of world production of saffron. This spice is perfectly fitted with the dry climate and soil composition.
In addition, the eminent crop protection and harvesting processes, makes the Iranian saffron, the best and costliest exquisite condiment in the world.
Having tens of centuries of fame and name in glowing of this ancient fragrance of Persia, the Iranian saffron has been sitting heads and shoulders above all the producing countries around the world. This is a gift from holy mother of earth which was conferred to that specific soil.
Logically, the high cost of saffron is due to the difficulty of manually extracting large numbers of minute stigmas, which are the only part of the flower with the desired aroma and flavour. This process needs precision, dedication and professionalism in the work.
To gain 1 pound (450g) of dried saffron, almost 50,000 flowers, from a field of 7000 m2 should be harvested. Saffron blooming is simultaneous and transient. So in order to harvest the crop, thousands of workers have to kneel down on the earth, day and night for two weeks. Once harvested, the stigmas must be dried quickly, before decomposition or mould ruins the batch’s premium quality.
The traditional method of drying involves spreading the fresh stigmas over plates of fine mesh, which are then dried over hot coals or wood or in oven-heated rooms where temperatures reach 30–35 °C (86–95 °F) for 10–12 hours. Afterwards the dried spice is preferably sealed in airtight glass containers and ready to export.
At present saffron production is limited to Iran and some other countries with old civilization such as Spain, Greece, Italy or India. Since Iran has been the main saffron producer, the global production of saffron hinges largely on the output of this country.
As it was mentioned before, more than 300 tons of Persian saffron is being produced annually. Other than mentioned producers, saffron is also produced in artisan style by some countries like New Zealand, China and Australia. Nominally identical, natural handpicked saffron is totally different from the artisan one.
Iran has the widest saffron plantation fields in the world that is why 95% of global saffron market is produced by Iran. Almost 300 tons of pure saffron is harvested from 15000 acres each year. The whole process is a very delicate, precise and difficult manual job.
The main important climate requirements for saffron plantation are temperature and soil. Saffron is a low temperature tolerant plant (down to -180C). The plant best grows in silica soil, clay soil, gypsum soils and ferrous soil. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphor content of the soil is very important for plant growth and chemical balance.
There are various factors affecting on saffron quality such as soil fertility, corm size, field age, corm quantity and quality, accurate harvest, plantation time and pest control.
Plantation soil has to be deep, semi porous and empty of gravel and weed. Traditionally, corm plantation is done by drainage method. Few days prior to plantation the field is irrigated and then plowed to become even and homogenized. Once ready, 100 meter long drains are digged and the corms are planted in the depth.
At the harvest, the grown corm is pulled out of the soil by hand or shovel. However, harvest process which takes between two to three weeks can be done by either dry or wet method. In wet method the field is irrigated prior to harvest. The corms are harvested in October and transferred to plantation site.
Saffron plantation involves four steps: irrigation, fertilization, crust breaking and pest control. Saffron irrigation is done only 4 times for the whole period. Also fertilization should be performed based on soil composition and analysis.
The grown flowers are only viable for 3-4 days and if not harvested on time and properly, they have to be discarded. The flowering period for saffron plant is 20-25 days. In this period field workers hand pluck the flowers and place them inside wooden containers. this step is started before sunrise or after sunset.
Processing includes transporting flowers to the sites, stigma and style separation, drying, clustering and packaging. Drying is done by using indirect controlled heat (not exceeding more than 500C). The whole process should be controlled, supervised and calibrated in order to prevent product spoil and contamination.
Other than pure saffron, there are a lot of saffron products on demand. Below is the list of products which saffron is used for:
Mouthwatering sugar threads in different shapes and sizes, sugar candies have become a favorite confectionery among all cultures. Iranian Saffron is used in this candy and creates a unique, delicious, must-try snack for consumer.
There in an increasing demand for natural drinks around the world. Persian saffron drinks, based on various health benefits of saffron and natural color and odor, can and will become an excellent substitute for unhealthy beverages such as carbonated and sweetened drinks.
Iranian Saffron is used in dairy products. Flavored dairy products have been dancing around hypermarket fridges and freezers so far, but the time has come to put saffron flavored dairies in the shelves. Who could not have a bite of ice cream or a spoon of yogurt or a spread of butter with a rich scent of saffron and an unforgettable taste?
Various types and mixtures of spices are available to garnish and marinade meat and chicken. But a majestic dish calls for a majestic scent. Iranian Saffron is used to marinate meat and chicken and will create a unique smell and taste which must try.
Grinded premium saffron dissolved in fully saturated sugar solution takes days to form crystal sugar. The sound of crackling crystals in hot tea will tempt everyone to have a nice afternoon tea.
Iranian Saffron is used for jelly and pudding. Offering a saffron pudding to your guests not only is a complete new surprise to their taste buds, also creates a happier atmosphere for everyone.
Cooking and frying with saffron cooking oil, will make a huge difference in taste and appearance of the food. This oil is extracted from both animal and vegetable sources so will be a reliable choice of oil for vegetarians, as well.
Saffron sauce can be used in and on various foods and salads. A dish of your handmade food with a splash of saffron sauce will make it your artistic signature dish.
Nuts are everybody’s favorite on their own. Combination of natural taste and flavor with the scent of saffron is an incentive to ask for more.
Last but not least, Iranian saffron is used for bringing special smell and taste to tea. Tea is one the most favorite drinks in the world. Even in some cultures it is considered as a sacred extract of history and civilization. No one can resist against a cup of tea when the body craves for it. Put a saffron tea bag in a cup of hot water and two minutes later, viola, it is ready.
Persian saffron is cultivated since 10th century BC to be used as a fragrance, colour, medication and an aphrodisiac compound. Cyrus the Great used saffron threads to dissolve in his bath tub to overcome tiredness and fatigue as well as healing the war wounds. According to Avicenna (IBN SINA), the Persian polymath in his famous book “The Canon of Medicine” saffron has more than 20 healing benefits which are listed below:
Crocin analogs isolated from saffron significantly increases the blood flow in the retina and choroid as well as facilitates retinal function recovery and it could be used to treat ischemic retinopathy and/or age-related macular degeneration.
The Ebers papyrus (ca 1550 B.C.) mentions saffron as an ingredient in a cure for kidney problems. Saffron can strengthen the immune system by blood detoxification and removing excess wastes, which decreases pressure on kidneys and liver. On the other hand, since most renal impairments are linked to high blood pressure, Saffron helps to improve blood flow in the body, which reduces the risk of high renal blood pressure. Also Saffron eases the cystic pain in the kidneys and helps diminish bursting cysts.
The flavonoid “Kaempferol” has been separated from saffron petals. kaempferol constituent has Tyrosinase inhibitory action. Tyrosinase is involved in melanin biosynthesis and the abnormal accumulation of melanin pigments leading to hyperpigmentation disorders. Having the inhibitory effect, kaempferol can control pigmentation process of the skin, hence rejuvenate it. Moreover, some early research suggests that drinking saffron tea daily, along with a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, might reduce the severity of Psoriasis. Some people apply saffron directly to the scalp for baldness (alopecia).
Saffron is used for asthma, cough, whooping cough (pertussis), and to loosen phlegm (as an expectorant).
Saffron acts as an aphrodisiac; it can increase the sex desire and excitement. Men use it to prevent early orgasm (premature ejaculation) and infertility.
Some studies have shown that the Safranal component in saffron reduces the seizure duration and delays the onset of tonic convulsions.
Saffron stigma and petal extracts exhibited antinociceptive (pain relief) effects in chemically induced pain test as well as acute and/or chronic anti-inflammatory activity. These effects might be due to the presence of flavonoids in saffron.
The flavonoid “Kaempferol” has been separated from saffron petals. Keampferol is a strong antioxidant and helps to prevent oxidative damage of our cells, lipids and DNA. Saffron significantly decreases lipoprotein oxidation susceptibility in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) indicates the potential of saffron as an antioxidant.
Saffron and its pharmacological activities have been described by Avicenna long time ago. He mentioned various biological effects of saffron in Canon of Medicine including strengthens the stomach, reduction of appetite and gastric acidity and improving digestion. It has been shown that saffron can be regarded as an agent to prevent the gastric mucosa damage through enriching the glutathione levels as well as reducing the lipid peroxidation.
Saffron has antioxidant, hepatoprotective and genoprotective effects on the liver and can control sever fatty liver hyperlipidemia.
Women use saffron for menstrual cramps and premenstrual syndrome (PMS). It has been shown that PMS cramps and discomforts will be eradicated after two cycles.
Some research shows that taking a specific saffron product (Persian saffron) by mouth for 22 weeks might improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease about as well as the prescription drug Donepezil (Aricept).
The saffron extract improves memory and learning skills in learning behavior impairments in M.S patients. Oral administration of saffron may be useful in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders and related memory loss.
Taking specific Persian saffron extracts by mouth seems to improve symptoms of major depression after 6-8 weeks of treatment. Some studies suggest that saffron might be as effective as taking a low-dose prescription antidepressants such as Fluoxetine or Imipramine. In addition to anti depression effect, the Crocin constituent of saffron has an “anxiolytic” nature and reduces anxiety. Also, Safranal molecule in saffron has relaxant property.
Some studies have shown that the Safranal component in saffron reduces the seizure duration and delays the onset of tonic convulsions.
The Corocin component in saffron can decrease fatigue in men during exercise, thus providing more energy and stamina.
According to some researches, Crocin pigments enhance plasma oxygen dissemination, which recommends that it can be advantageous for atherosclerosis and related cardiac conditions.
Saffron lowers the blood pressure, so people with existing low blood pressure should be cautious about taking saffron. Too much saffron can be dangerous for these patients.
According to a research, 50 milligrams (0.5 gram) of saffron dissolved in 100 ml of milk was administered twice a day to human subjects, and the significant decrease in lipoprotein oxidation susceptibility in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) indicates the potential of saffron as an antioxidant.
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