Repeat. Repeat. Repeat……. That’s how brands build high recall among target customers. When you ensure that a viewer sees your brand/logo at regular intervals, day in and day out, twice each day, for over 45 minutes – Nothing can stop your brand from being top of the mind recall. SkyBlue Media’s SkyDrive provide you with exactly this solution.
Like a queen’s necklace studded with sparkling diamonds, our Led Display screens all along the medians of major highways including the Federal Highway. Glow supremely, thus creating high visibility for your brand.
Best suited for branding solutions, these 4’ x 7’ Display screens are placed on the lighting poles thus creating a repetitive impression of the brand in the viewers mind. What’s even more exciting for the media planner is that these boxes are double sided, thus hammering your message when the viewer goes to office and then again when she goes back home.
The fact that these boards are digital in nature helps you communicate multiple messages to the viewer, one single click of the mouse and you can manipulate each board to deliver exactly what you wish. Its like having the remote control for 100′s of Television screens!!
On a single stretch of 8 Kilometers, you can communicate 4-6 different messages to your target segments. And if the same person is coming back on the same road, you ability to communicate messages doubles – 8-12 messages in the same stretch.
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